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The SILVER PRINCESS in OZ by Ruth Plumbly Thompson 1938
THUNDERHEAD: A Novel by Mary O'Hara (Author of "My Friend Flicka") 1943
The Land of Mystery by EDWARD S. ELLIS 1901
TARZAN and the GOLDEN LION (#9) by Edgar Rice Burroughs 1923
TARZAN and the ANT MEN (#10) by Edgar Rice Burroughs 1924
The SECRET of SKELETON ISLAND (Ken Holt #1) by Bruce Campbell 1949
The BLACK THUMB MYSTERY (Ken Holt #3) Bruce Campbell (w/Jacket!) 1950
The MYSTERY of the IRON BOX (Ken Holt #7) by Bruce Campbell 1952
The CLUE of the PHANTOM CAR (Ken Holt #8) by Bruce Campbell 1953
The MYSTERY of the GALLOPING HORSE (Ken Holt #9) by Bruce Campbell 1954
HUNTING for HIDDEN GOLD (#5 Hardy Boys Mystery Stories) 1928 (w/Jacket!)
The PHANTOM FREIGHTER (Hardy Boys #26) by Franklin W. Dixon (w/Jacket!) 1947
The SIGN of the CROOKED ARROW (Hardy Boys #28) Franklin W. Dixon 1949
The SECRET of WILDCAT SWAMP (Hardy Boys #31) Franklin W. Dixon 1952
Indian Drums and Broken Arrows by CRAIG MASSEY (w/Jacket!) 1965
MOTHER: A STORY by Kathleen Norris 1912
COUGAR CAMP by J. R. Stoddard 2004
The Lone Wolf Clan by Lawrence J. Hunt & Bonnie Jo Hunt 2000 (Native American)
ERNESTINE TAKES OVER by Walter Brooks 1935
THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY by Helen McCloy 1950
IF WINTER COMES by A.S.M. Hutchinson 1923
OG OF THE CAVE PEOPLE by Irving Crump 1935
Aloha, Arizona (A Novel) by R. Patrick Brost (Love Story) 2008
Fine Sammlung von Rhein - Sagen Gegeben von A. Hermann Bernard (German) ca. 1870
THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND by Jules Verne (w/Jacket!) ca. 1930
FIESTA [The Sun Also Rises] by ERNEST HEMINGWAY 1955
OUR MUTUAL FRIEND (Dickens' Works) Illustrated (ca. 1880)
GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Charles Dickens (ca. 1880s)
VOORLOPER by Andre Norton 1981
THE X FACTOR by Andre Norton (Ace #92551) 1970
STORM OVER WARLOCK Andre Norton (Ace #78741) 1960
PLAGUE SHIP by Andre Norton (Solar Queen #2) 1956
THE CASE OF THE PERJURED PARROT (Pocket Book #378) A Perry Mason Mystery 1947
PERILOUS DREAMS by Andre Norton (DAW #196) 1976
OPERATION TIME SEARCH by Andre Norton (Ace #63410) 1967
The MONK and the HANGMAN'S DAUGHTER by Ambrose Bierce (Avon #628) 1955
MERLIN'S MIRROR by Andre Norton 1975
KNAVE OF DREAMS Andre Norton (Ace #45000) 1975
JUDGMENT ON JANUS (Janus, bk. #1) by Andre Norton (Ace #41550) 1963
EYE OF THE MONSTER Andre Norton (Ace #22375) 1962
THE DEFIANT AGENTS Andre Norton (Ace #14231) 1962
LOST in the WILDS of BRAZIL by James Foster 1933 (w/Jacket!)
THE GREEN FLAG & Other Stories by A. CONAN DOYLE 1900
PHOENIX: The Posthumous Papers of D. H. Lawrence 1936
HAWK EYE (The Little Indian Series) by David Cory 1938
THE MYSTERY OF CLOOMBER by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (ca. 1890)