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THE BAPTIST HYMNAL for use in the CHURCH and HOME 1883
TRESTEMMIG SANGBOG 166 Sange (Norwegian Songbook) 1866
Gchweizerischer Lieder und Deklamirsaal zur Belehrung und Grheiterung gur Schule
Edison RECORDS (Two-Minute) Catalogue of American Selections 1908
A Selection of CAROLS, Pieces, and Anthems, Suitable for CHRISTMAS (ca. 1850s)
Gene Autry's De Luxe Edition of Famous Original Cowboy Songs 1938
GENE AUTRY'S Sensational Collection of Famous Original Cowboy Songs 1932
EDDY DUCHIN'S Pianostyles Songbook 1935
Song and Study for God's Little Ones by Miss Bertha F. Vella 1894
Danish Christian Song Book Hymnal (1863)
Gottesdienst gebet und Gesangbuch fur die Erzdiozese Munchen und Freising 1936
The Modern Woodmen Melodies (Americana Hymnal) Scarce! 1894
LOYAL RESPONSES; or, DAILY MELODIES for the King's Minstrels (ca. 1885)
HALLOWED HYMNS (New & Old) Edited by I. Allan Sankey 1911
Biser og Gange for Ungdommen 1880 (Danish Hymnal)
CLARKE'S Reed Organ MELODIES by Wm. H. Clarke (Sheet Music Book) 1874
Mendelssohn Bartholdy's Sammtliche (German) ca. 1870
Sonatinen von FR. KUHLAU (sheet music book) German (ca. 1870)
The World's Sweetest Songs: The Home Circle (ca. 1875)
Melodiboken for Missjonssangboken (Norwegian songbook) ca. 1920
G. SCHIRMER'S New Issues, Octavo Music, SACRED (Church Music) 1914
The Normal Music Course: High School Collection by John W Tufts & H E Holt 1886
AMBROISE MIGNON Opera in Three Acts (Italian & English Text) 1881
Sondagsskol-Bok [Sunday School Book] (ca. 1880) Swedish Lutheran
SONG ECHOES from CHILD LAND (Child's Songbook) 1896 Scarce!
The Euterpean [Popular Choruses for High Schools] 1888
Neues Gemeinschaftliches Gesangbuch Lutherischen 1869 (German)
THE HYMNAL (Revised & Enlarged) 1892
THE CHURCH HYMNARY by Edwin A. Bedell 1892
Sang og Strengeleg for Herren (Norwegian hymnal) 1891
The O. A. C. Song Book (Corvallis, Oregon) 1924
SONGS of the CAMPUS 1931
Brotherhood of Saint Andrew (Hymnal) 1922
Four & Twenty Songs for the Mountain Dulcimer 1992
CHILDREN'S ALBUM Sheet Music Book [Pianoforte] by Köhler (ca. 1890)
Ten Songs as Unpretentious as the Wild Rose CARRIE JACOBS-BOND 1905
Rodeheaver Collection for MALE VOICES (church hymnal) 1916
Old Melodies (50 Pieces) Booklet (4 Voices & Piano) 1906
Indian Love Lyrics "The Garden of Kama" 1903
Four American Indian Songs 1909
Eugene Goossens Kaleidoscope (12 short piano pieces) 1918
SONGS of ENGLAND (Book 1) 1940
Treasure Chest of FAMOUS WALTZES 1943
Wayne King's Favorite Waltzes 1932
POPULAR SONGS (Dec. 1935) Fred Waring
Most Requested Songs LAWRENCE WELK TV Shows [For All Organs] 1964
HANK WILLIAMS' Favorite Songs 1953
A Souvenir Album of Piano Music by FREDERIC CHOPIN 1945
Album of Favorite Chopin Piano Compositions (Cole Edition) No. 229
12 Etudes: Technic & Style book by Edward MacDowell 1918
Flowers of the Nations: A Juvenile Operetta 1933
"The Holy Night" (A Christmas Service for the Sunday School) 1915
Motet Hear My Prayer [Soprano Solo] ca. 1920
SONG Hit FOLIO (#11, Dec. 1934)
SONG Hit FOLIO (#12, March 1935)
HIT PARADER (Screen - Stage - Radio) May 1943
Song Hits, BING CROSBY, April 1940
Song Hits, DOROTHY LAMOUR, March 1942